NOC Deputy Secretary General Commends AFN Electoral Process
*A transparent and credible election in Abuja, NOC Deputy Secretary General.*
The Nigerian Olympics Committee Deputy Secretary General who also serve as the President Nigerian Archery Federation, Mr. Mohammed Abdullahi has commended the electoral process of the AFN elections.
“First and foremost, I want to commend the process that led to the election of Chief Tony Okowa. It was an election that is worthy of emulation, election that is transparent and as well fair.
I’m proud to be associated with an election where people actually have their mandate and voice.The process was timely and credible”.
The NOC Deputy General Secretary urged the board members led by Chief Tony Okowa to be steadfast, up doing and as well ensure that in this 4years athletes is moved to the next level.
“I want to congratulate and urge you that work should begin in Ernest”, NOC Deputy General concluded.
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